Waitress ‘was on phone to doctor of dying Jackson’ - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

Waitress ‘was on phone to doctor of dying Jackson’ - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos: "The waitress said she had met Murray in a Texas steakhouse in February 2009. The pair had exchanged phone numbers, and she received a call from the doctor on the morning of the fateful day.

'He told me that he was doing well,' she said, adding she had cut him off and started talking, but realized five or 10 minutes later that Murray was no longer on the phone.

'I heard a commotion... coughing, mumbling of voices,' she said, adding that she was unsure if the mumbling was coming from Murray.

Anding said she stayed on the phone for about five minutes, saying it was unusual for Murray to stop responding. 'I just remember saying, 'Hello? Hello? Hello? Are you there?' Are you there? Are you there?'' she said.

The waitress eventually hung up and tried to call Murray back and send him text messages, but got no reply.

Prosecutors allege that Murray, 57, negligently administered an overdose of the powerful sedative propofol to help Jackson sleep and then tried to cover it up."

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